the quotidian (3.11.24)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Leap year.

Birthday Timpano: it may be the best one yet.

Never too much.

Lunch box queue: rosa de jamaica.


Trying out a new snack.

The collection.

So that’s why the floor is still dirty.
photo credit: a tattly sister

Spiced cranberry: dang glitchy siphon.

Midmorning Virgins.


Stretch buddy.
photo credit: my younger son

This same time, years previous: chicken birthday cake, a painful mattress situation, Colby cheese, for the love of pie, roasted sweet potato salad, the quotidian (3.11.19), another adventure!, kitchen concert, homemade pepperoni, family weekending.

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