the quotidian (2.17.25)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Sourdough cinnamon toast crunch: tasty, but the texture needs work.

For Sunday School.

Grilled fatty meat: I never don’t burn it. Tips?

My coworker made snacks, and now I stock Tajín.

They pay me to do this.

Evening schedules are too full? Switch to breakfast.

They didn’t win.

This book immobilized him for hours.

Fluffing the flock.

Stick love.

Power outage: waiting for the sun to rise.

Ear ice.

For kicks.

This same time, years previous: in the middle of the night, seven fun things, draft two, the great courses, the quotidian (2.17.20), collar greens, Thursday thoughts, Jonathan’s jerky, in the last 10 monhts, the quotidian (2.17.14), buses, boats, and trucks, oh my (and puke), chicken pot pie, oh my.


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