the quotidian (4.23.18)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

A good meat thermometer makes all the difference.

Attempting to copy my mother’s prune cake recipe: hers was better.
In an effort to once again experience the flavors of Guatemalan street food: from a food truck.

Raiding my candy stash, the stinkers.

Atop the grape arbor, with lemonade.
On a knitting kick.

Little worker.

Cousin Week: Day Six.

Dunging out: destined for the thrift store.

Parting shots: she’s giving her away.

This same time, years previous: life can turn on a dime, let’s pretend this isn’t happening, out of character, Sally Fallon’s pancakes, ailments, out and about, the quotidian (4.23.12), rhubarb crunch, me and you, and the radishes.


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