Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

A good meat thermometer makes all the difference.

Attempting to copy my mother’s prune cake recipe: hers was better.

In an effort to once again experience the flavors of Guatemalan street food: from a food truck.

Raiding my candy stash, the stinkers.

Atop the grape arbor, with lemonade.

On a knitting kick.

Little worker.

Cousin Week: Day Six.

Dunging out: destined for the thrift store.

Parting shots: she’s giving her away.
This same time, years previous: life can turn on a dime, let’s pretend this isn’t happening, out of character, Sally Fallon’s pancakes, ailments, out and about, the quotidian (4.23.12), rhubarb crunch, me and you, and the radishes.
farm buddy
She's giving Velvet away? More explanation please!!
The sleeping cousins are sweet.