Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

trampoline highs

granola: she takes mise en place to a whole new level

for all you non sourdough starter bakers: a new kind of bread I’m working on

an after-dinner snooze: he woke up when I went to get my camera.
“Go back to sleep,” I said. “I need to take a picture.”
So he did.
“Go back to sleep,” I said. “I need to take a picture.”
So he did.

after watching Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale: pretending to be Hermione, the Queen of Sicilia

longing for her own pair of black boots: I promised her I’ll be on the look-out

cousin love

all. over. the. place.

eating our hearts out
(which sounds pretty gory, now that I come to think of it)
(which sounds pretty gory, now that I come to think of it)

in the grape arbor with Charles Schultz

now the day is over: one of my favorite songs (mute the stupid ad)
This same time, years previous: my lot, rhubarb crunch, bacon-wrapped jalapenos, honey-baked chicken
the domestic fringe
These photos are really good. I've never seen asparagus look so tempting. I got my daughter boots at Kmart, but that was in the fall. Who knows, you may be able to get a really good deal on a pair now.
Mama Pea
I just keep thinking, "Now that is the way kids should be raised!"
I remember singing "Now the Day is Over" at a choral concert in junior high school. Bet that never would be allowed today. Too religious for a public school. Sad.
You Can Call Me Jane
This has got to be your very best set of photos (photography-wise and possibly otherwise). You are getting GOOD, my dear. Really good.
that bread looks good – I'm excited (although our daily bread is sourdough).
I didn't know that tune for Now the Day is Over. I'm trying to think which CD of ours has it on, but it's definitely a different tune. Thanks for the introduction to this one.