Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

For winter teas (and maybe a cake).

Early harvest.

This, but with rhubarb and grape purée.

If you like a wallop of spice with your crunch, try Vicki’s Jalapeño Chips from Costco.

We might not be able to live on bread (and cheese) alone but we sure can try!

For smoothies, frozen spinach is better than fresh. I had no idea!

Stale bakery sourdough makes for the best grilled cheeses.

He started his summer job at the garden. (I love my washing machine.)

The little mushroom-growing project may be getting out of hand….

Chicken Lady.

I love it that the kids are old enough to own the family pets and pay for all the food and vet bills.

This beaut just randomly popped up in the yard.

Nap interrupted.

Sunday hike.
photo credit: a friendly stranger
This same time, years previous: inclusion, surprise!, the quotidian (5.16.16), Captain Morgan’s rhubarb sours, help, a burger, a play, and some bagels, ’twas an honor.
Ha…Me again but where is this hike?
Jennifer Jo
Doyles River Jones Run Loop, coming back on the AT. About 15 miles south on Blue Ridge Parkway from 33.
Angie Marie
Tell me more about drying mint. I just moved into a new-to-me home, and there is abundance of mint.
Jennifer Jo
My daughter stripped the leaves off the stalks and then I gently rinsed the leaves in cool water and spread them out on the drying racks, dried them at low temps for a few hours — until no longer pliable and just beginning to get crispy — and then popped them into quart jars and stuck them in the cupboard… but maybe I should keep it in the freezer? I’m not sure… We’ll see!
Oh, and if you want a mint tea concentrate, this one’s really good.
Tell us more about the mushroom project!
Aren’t they preferential to a dark and dank environment/
Jennifer Jo
I really don’t know much…yet! He’s been buying supplies and sterilizing things and asking to use the pressure canner. I have no idea what’s going on, but if it ever takes off, I’ll be sure to report back!