Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

My recurring hunk-o-meat conundrum: how to prepare it?

The daily bake.

The tell-tale photographic trails my children leave when I am gone!
This, it would appear, is a blueberry smoothie with a kiss.

I’m glad I wasn’t home.

Math nuggets.

A British Baking show reenactment.


Drowned rat.

Spring in a vase, thanks to a sweet friend.
This same time, years previous: no more Luna, opening, raspberry ricotta cake, what will I wish I had done differently?, chocolate babka, a love affair, the quotidian (3.12.12), sugar loaf, all by himself, for all we know.
Just do roast pork then? Served with stuffing and apple sauce. Is there absolutely no fat? In that case I'd probably try a pot roast come cassoulet type thing with tomatoes and beans slowly cooked.
Mmmm, ham is so good. We just put it in a baking dish, add some juice any kind or even some soda. We stick cloves all over..poke them right into the meat. Then cover tightly with foil and bake in 325 oven. I don't remember what the thermometer is supposed to read. It's never dry. We use the bone for soup, slice the meat for sandwiches and then put chunks into freezer for future use. Like scalloped potatoes or grind up with pickles for sandwich spread.
Jennifer Jo
I think you and Lizzy are referring to regular, cured, salted hams. Those, I can use up, no problem (and the whole family LOVES them). It's the fresh ham—a piece of dry pork—that I have trouble with.
brine it? And then stew it somehow with other flavorful things? I think i've been in a similar pickle before as well.
Vicki Marvin
It's weekly occurrence here. I look in our freezer, pull out hunks of meat to thaw and think, "Hmmm… What am I going to do with this?" Ham – fresh ham even more so – is particularly difficult. There are only so many things you can do with ham. I make a lot of casseroles and soups with ours. Every once in a while I (ashamedly) have to remind myself that we're so blessed to be able to open up a chest freezer full of food and have to figure out what to do with it.
The picture of your daughter is actually a really good picture. I don't know photography – is it the lighting that makes it so cool?
I soak my ham in cold water overnight to remove any excess saltiness. When ready to bake, put two large pieces of baking foil over a pan cross ways, and draw up to make a nest. Pop the ham inside and pour over a cup of cider or nice apple juice – the sort you get in a Deli not minute maid. Scrunch the foil around so the ham is in a sort of tent. Bake at 160c for 20 mins per 1b. Before the last 30 minutes of cooking time remove from oven, and turn heat up to 220c. Open the tent – careful it's steamy. Taking caution not to burn hands remove any skin and then brush with chilli apple jelly. Return to the oven and bake for the last 30 minutes or till cooked through. I do a ham like this every Christmas, and it always turns out nicely.
Rub the hunk of meat, if it is a pork roast, with taco seasoning and slow cook it all day with a cup of water in the bottom. Shred and serve over rice. Does not taste like tacos. If there is any left the next day make pork tacos for lunch. One of our favorites that I never make anymore since there are just two of us.
Jennifer Jo
Problem is, it's a fresh ham. And ham meat is dry and mostly fatless, making it not good for shredding.
I have even made this with a boneless pork loin and it was still very good. After you shred or more like small chunk it stir it back into the juices in the crockpot and even add more water if you need to. Don't skim any fat from the juices. I might even rub the roast with olive oil along with the taco seasoning to keep it more moist. This recipe is very forgiving.