the quotidian (1.11.16)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

The nine-year-old bakes!
Apple potpie: my brief foray into German baking.
It’s like they’ve never seen neighbors walking through the fields before.
Assembling the Aladdin lamp.

My favorite way to eat a Lancashire Cheese Bomb.
…to sit my butt down already.

(Click the link. It’s good.)
Because I was having a fit, a child helpfully added it to my to-do list.

Fixed, for now.

Sunday snuggle. 

This same time, years previous: sticky toffee pudding, spinach lemon orzo soup, eyeballs and teeth, creamy blue cheese pasta with spinach and walnuts, and earthquake cake.


  • Anonymous

    Little Boxes was written about the neighborhood (Westlake in Daly City) where I grew up! It always makes me nostalgic. Of course, when I was growing up there, it was majority immigrants and not a lot of doctors or lawyers in that first generation, but the houses did all look the same.

  • Jennifer Jo

    The cheese bomb, my friends, came from Costco! They sell it around Christmas time. It's a one-pound ball and costs 11 dollars, so it took me a couple years to take the plunge.

    The cheese is creamy, yet crumbly; dry, yet soft. The flavor is mild, like a not-too-sharp cheddar. It's delicious.

    Two notes:
    1. When we had our Christmas Eve feast of cheese and meats, the cheese bomb got skipped over in favor of the more exciting cheeses, like brie and the cranberry cinnamon goat log. Not because it wasn't good, but because it couldn't compete with the other strong flavors. But then I ate the bomb and pretzels for days on end afterwards. I craved it.
    2. Once opened, its shelf life is shorter than other cheeses. I found that out the hard way.

  • ejk

    yes, i too want to know where one can get that incredible looking cheese bomb! did someone just smuggle one to you in their luggage? i have heard all sort of great stories on cheese and salami/sausage smuggling.

    • Jennifer Jo

      The idea: layers of pastry alternating with layers of sugared and cinnamoned apples, then fill the pan half full of water. The whole thing gets baked until brown and bubbling.

      Two problems (that could be fixed):
      1. Too bland.
      2. Not syrupy enough.

      If done right, I think the layers of pastry ought to taste like the underside of an apple dumpling.

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