the quotidian (9.1.14)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

They just. don’t. stop.

Salsa, o how I love thee!

Which is good because…
They’re not exactly “trickling in” anymore.

The pre-supper scramble: which became pasta with sausages and lemony grilled zucchini.

Homemade: you’ll NEVER guess what kind. 
So I’ll tell you!
Sweet corn with blackberry sauce, yum.
Sweet boy.

Making a delivery.

The kitchen apprentice.

It’s beginning to look a lot like … late summer.

Taking a break.


This same time, years previous: the new bakery, grape parfaits, puppy love, walking the line, chocolate yogurt cake, oatmeal jacked up, why I don’t teach my kids science, around the house, dreaming, pasta with sauteed peppers and onions, and losing my marbles.    


  • Margo

    sweet corn ice cream!!! That's a fun one 🙂 Right now I've got Gucci muu muu in my freezer. Yes. The family is divided on this one.

    I want to hear total volume of tomato preservation at the end of the season. What all are you doing with them? I want to roast some tomatoes yet this fall (your method) and make more ketchup.

  • Unknown

    I'm SO jealous of the berries and tomatoes! We here in hawaii can only wish to grow such a huge variety of produce in our gardens. We manage a few hens for eggs and a backyard garden (raised beds) but the heat and humidity limit what we can grow. Are your tomatoes San Marzano or a Roma variety? Beautiful!

    • Jennifer Jo

      On Facebook I referred to it as "A Peter Pan spotting." We (or you and my husband, because he's the one that pointed it out) think alike.

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