the quotidian (3.17.14)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Sucking lemons.

How the-kid-who-is-always-in-motion sits.

My kitchen station: phone, scones, (empty) wine glass, knitting.
Slice and bake: works like a charm.
I’ve started freezing my cookie dough in logs. No mess, no pain, ALL gain.
Applesauce popsicles: a favorite from my childhood.

That they’re in the exact same kind of popsicle molds makes me exceedingly happy.
The better to see you with, my dear: practicing her music for choir
(And yes, she does have a wee bit of trouble focusing. Why do you ask?)
First book.
Can you guess what word the “E” picture stands for?

Reading lesson, from my younger son’s perspective.

The same reading lesson, from my perspective.

The view from my window.

Work? Play?
You decide.
In hope of fruit.

In the night kitchen.

This same time, years previous: our house lately, and oatmeal pancakes


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