Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

At Shannan’s bidding, I downloaded FotoSketcher and have been
turning everything into watercolors ever since.

It’s become a compulsion.

I may need an intervention.

Doctor’s waiting rooms: I’ve had more than my normal share this week.
This one got bonus points for having a Keurig and real mugs.

The good part of a missed day of work (for my husband) for a medical appointment: he drives while I knit.

Hurtling down the highway to the dental chair, needles, anesthesia, and sore gums.

Minus ten teeth, plus chains.

On a liquid diet for five days and counting.

The rest of us, however, are most certainly not on a liquid diet: blueberry baked French toast.

Butchering the squash.

Lard-and-cream biscuits, mmm.

Weather confusion: a lawnmower turned snowplow with chains, a sled, and a kid in shorts.
Tell Yo Yo I feel his pain. 🙁 On the other hand, now might be a good time to try out some new ice cream recipes. 🙂
Mama Pea
Oh, that second picture of your son after the dental appointment! Poor baby. Good thing he has a mom who knows how to make nutritious liquid meals for him. I well remember the 2-1/2 hour ride home from the big city when our daughter had to go in for the periodic appointments to have her braces adjusted.
Bless his heart! Are you making endless smoothies? Cream soup? 5 days is a long time to go without chewing.
Jennifer Jo
He broke his smoothie/applesauce/creamed broccoli soup/ice cream/eggnog fast tonight with meatloaf. He was ecstatic.
Your entire Quotidian merits comment — and a chuckle! The water color app is so cool. I can see why it could become obsessive. Oh, and your poor son. So not fun. I hope he is mending well….But your last picture is so funny! I do believe you have five children rather than just the four you claim. Love it all! Thanks for sharing. ~Sherry
Suburban Correspondent
Yup – that last picture sure does sum it up, doesn't it? We call it Weather Whiplash, and we've had a lot of it.
Minus ten teeth? Why? That is an awful lot of teeth to have pulled! My mouth hurts just thinking about it.
Your butternut squash reminds me I should be using more of ours that we still have from our harvest last year.
Have a great week!
Jennifer Jo
Nine were baby teeth and one was a permanent one (the one that got shot out by his friend in Guatemala: http://bit.ly/1lgz37n) (you can see the incredible crowding in that photo). Also, they were attaching chains/wires to teeth that are still up in the roof of his mouth to help pull them down.