Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace
Of a misty morning: the Bezaleel kitchen chimneys.

Ready to sell: sweet raisin biscuits.
Sweet raisin biscuits: a close up.
It’s this recipe, but with shortening (in the States it would be butter, of course) instead of lard,
plus with the addition of 1/4 cup each of sugar and finely chopped raisins.
Before baking, brush the biscuit tops with milk and sprinkle with more sugar.

He thinks I’m funny.
By one of the school’s maintenance men: two new chairs
On loan from friends: we have music!
(Fact: too many, as in dozens and dozens, of consecutive listening of Country Roads
will drive this mama batty.)
will drive this mama batty.)

Speaking of batty…
What we thought were exuberant crickets living in the eaves of our house have turned out to be bats. The occasional (fast becoming ever present), foul stench of what we thought was an old mouse nest
has turned out to be a couple piles of guano.
The conclusion? I am now, officially, batshit crazy.
Also, any advice as to how to get rid of them?
My husband just pointed out that half of the family is suffering
from nasty allergies: um, might it be because of the bats?
Also, any advice as to how to get rid of them?
My husband just pointed out that half of the family is suffering
from nasty allergies: um, might it be because of the bats?
On loan from neighbors: The Hobbit.
The two older kids and my husband stayed up late a couple nights in a row
to watch the whole thing, unbeknownst to the two youngers.
(As for me, I went to bed. I am not a Hobbit fan.)
Fire-starting: with magnifying glass and paper.
Oh, and gun powder.
(I’m a little slow on the uptake sometimes.)

Frogs eggs. Or something.
With glorious abandon: how the bougainvillea flaunts its colors.
I can not, nor do I want to, get over this spectacular plant.
I can not, nor do I want to, get over this spectacular plant.
Mama Pea
My husband is on a kick to find just the right pattern for making bat houses to attract bats. Wanna send some of yours to us?
P.S. Your husband is so handsome. Tell him not to worry. I'm a happily married woman old enough to be his mother. I'm just appreciating.
You Can Call Me Jane
Sorry about the bats. I know there are bat doors (they can fly out but not back in) for closed-in areas, but I don't think that applies to you. Sam's been burning his name and other messages in wood using his magnifying glass- maybe a new art/craft for your kids? The shot of the stove pipes is great and what a great shot of your other half with the mallet. I love to see you all smiling:-).
Great post Jennifer Jo! I enjoy seeing your *ordinary*…and your photography skills are wonderful. Great shots. 🙂
Eeeew…bats! Yup…I'm guessing that could be the source of your allergies. Nasty. Sorry, no advice on how to rid yourselves of the critters. 🙁
Blessings to you!
Try a rubber snake in the area where their nest is. Most birds (flying mammals, etc) do not like snakes.
On a good note, bat dung is an excellent garden fertilizer.
I battled bats one summer. Misery. I learned that they also bring bedbugs with them (as bedbugs love bat blood almost as much as they love people blood), so get rid of them. No tips on that except closing up their entrances at night when they are gone. Good luck!