the wiggles

My younger son has been driving me bonkers. He’s always been a go-go-go sort of kid, but lately he’s turned into a spinning top. He bounces off the walls, flails fists, talks in a megaphone voice. Also, he has an affinity for flipping upside down whenever possible. I find myself almost wishing that he’d get sick, just so he’d hold still for two consecutive minutes.

Is this off-the-wall, upside-down, spin-around behavior a crucial step in healthy six-year-old boy development? Did I miss reading this section in the How To Raise A Child books?

The other day I took a series of pictures of him working on his Spanish. I was sitting at the art table, working with my daughter on her math or something, and every two seconds I’d turn around and snap a photo. Some of the pictures are blurry. I think you can figure out why.

Maybe I should tie sacks of flour around his ankles to slow him down? Because I’m at my wits’ end.

This same time, years previous: the greats


  • Christine Fairfield

    Yup, normal 6 year old! My Hannah is doing the same thing these days. Can. not. sit. still. Daddy is reading the Little House books to her and she is all over the place while he reads. I don't know how she follows the story, but if he stops, she yells, "read! read!" until he starts another chapter.

  • Anonymous

    I know that when my son was in K/1st grade I would be reading the lesson to him and have to stop to say "can you PLEASE stop standing on you head while I am reading to you!" so I think he is normal. My son still wiggles and moves and I have even bought him things to twist and squeeze so he could sit still enough to not drive me crazy while we did our lessons.
    L in Elkton

  • jodi

    hahahah! Oh my goodness, these photos are hilariously awesome! I'm just laughing because I now know what I have to look forward to in the coming years with my boys.

  • Rachel

    This is hilarious, and exactly like my oldest son. I highly recommend the book "raising your spirited child" which gave me some insight into who he is….so similar to me in some ways and so very different in others. Lots of outdoor time helps, and it's fantastic that your son can do his lessons in whatever position he needs to–great that he's not in a traditional school!

  • karen

    ps. when I asked my 8 year old to look at the pictures and comment on what your son was doing, she replied, "he's figuring stuff out." (My 5 year old son says: "I like your moves!"

  • karen

    I have a daughter who doesn't sit still and another that goes into a dream state quite easily. Both are now at homeschool. Funny, reading Kathy's, because she is my 2nd child, but not a boy. And very girly, but never stops moving.

    I would wax lyrical about how awesome homeschool is, and how I can't imagine how a parent can put children into the public (or private) school system, but my little guy was so livid about being homeschooled for K this year that I had no choice but to enroll him — I homeschool because I believe I am listening to their needs — so I am simply grateful, so very grateful that my son's kindergarten teacher is exactly everything I would wish for in a teacher of a young child.

    I am also grateful to be reminded that sitting at the table is not the only way to learn, even though the constant movement makes me crazy. Am going to show this to my daughter as soon as I can get her down from the ceiling — she's climbed up the hallway walls again, all 13 feet to the top … gotta fly!

  • Kathy ~ Artful Accents

    Maybe it's a 2nd son thing? I just asked my younger son today if he ever stops moving! He also is happiest with a ball in his hand, either bouncing it or just holding it. Great series of pics!!

  • Anonymous

    Another good reason to homeschool. Imagine containing this energy at a desk! LOVE the pictures! Did he know you were taking them?

    • Jennifer Jo

      I don't think so. I mean, he probably was a little bit aware, but he wasn't thinking about it. He was fully engrossed in the lesson, believe it or not.

  • Anonymous

    I hate to tell you this, but that's just how some of us are. Into my 20s and 30s, when I had friends over, I just could NOT hold still. If we were doing role playing, or cards or board games, or even just watching a movie, I was almost always up and down, and fidgeting. It might get better, but that might just be him!


  • shelahn

    lost my wits a long time ago…

    btw, that is an excellent, hysterically funny series of pictures. At least he is staying focused.

  • Margo

    I am laughing and laughing and laughing! Who needs child development books when I can just talk to friends?! G IS THE SAME WAY and she only turned 7 a few weeks ago. That girl CANNOT sit still at home – thank goodness she is meek as milk at church and school (boy, does she have them fooled!). I am seriously thinking of tying her into her chair at mealtimes because she twirls around, tips back, hops up and down and leans on me. I think weights on the ankles are a good idea – might slow them down a bit or at least wear them out.

    I adore this series of photos so much. Laughing again.

  • Kris

    Three thoughts:

    1. Some children are kinesthetic learners (google it — Wikipedia describes your kid), which means (among other things) that they learn better while moving.

    2. Perhaps he is going through a growth spurt, learning even more than usual (though you might not see what's being learned until later), and needing to move through it all.

    3. The excitement and stress of your upcoming trip/move is something additional that he needs to learn and incorporate into himself, necessitating seemingly constant movement!

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