the quotidian (10.22.12)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace 

Human pillow: we were babysitting my nieces
and the little one fell asleep on the big one.
To ease her discomfort and tedium,
my older son read her a story.
He also took the picture.

Sunday feet.
(And look at that! The shoes match!)

This is my favorite ever spaghetti sauce.
 Sadly, and very weirdly, my family isn’t as head over heels as I am.
Therefore, for days in a row, I got to eat a bowl of this for my lunch.
Pasta heaven, it was.

As a result of the most recent visit to the orthodontist,
 my son now has a medieval torture device stuck to the roof of his mouth.
Thank goodness for green smoothies!
(Or brown ones.)
(It’s not sludge, promise.)

My husband finally dug out some winter gear. 


Bouncing Beauties. Or Leaping Lovelies. Whatever.

Recycling re-purposed.
Please note that the little boy is wearing a yellow dress. It’s an important detail.

Boy + Puppy = A Rollicking Rumpus

My mother and power tools.
Whoever would’ve thunk it!

Cuddles for Miss Grumpy.

On Saturday’s walk, I ended up at my parents’ property. 
My husband and kids met me up there.
As I was getting into the car to return home, I looked in the window and saw this.

This same time, years previous: a pie party!, making my blog header, a moment of silence, classic cheesecake, love, the Tooth Fairy, boy in a blue dress


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