a pie party!

You guys made my day. You sent me love messages about pie, crooning the names—winter raspberry crumble, sweet potato, chicken, apple-cranberry, pumpkin, banana cream, lemon sponge, chocolate—in my ears. You hauled my sagging spirits right out of the mire, thank you.

So yes, there will be a party. I mean, There will be a party, yippeeeeee!  It will be a real, live affair with all of you jumping into cars and zipping over the Virginian country roads to my house for an afternoon of pie and coffee. There will be a fire in the wood stove and a blanket covering the violent hole in the sofa (peek at your own risk) and lots of kids underfoot. We will learn each other’s real names and attach faces with online personalities. There will probably be a bit of squealing and hugs. There will definitely be a lot of oohing and aahing over the pies. And then, of course, the eating. Oh, the eating!

If you’re too far away and still want pie, then don’t let the distance stop you. Make one! Better yet, take it one step farther and invite over some friends, preferably friends you don’t know very well but want to know better, ‘cause that’s what this party is all about, right? Whatever you do, be sure and tell us about it, okay?

About the pie: bring one, any kind. If pie scares you, then make something that doesn’t. This is not a competition, so there’s no point stressing out. If your crust is jaggedy or burned, or the pie juices boil over and dribble down the outside of the plate (and set your fire alarm to screeching), do not fret. And if, by chance, you set the pie on the floor of the van and your six-year-old accidentally steps on it, come anyway.

“Pie” is such a simple word, so small and unassuming, but don’t be deceived. The possibilities are vast! Let’s review the options. There are the classic fruit pies—apple, berry, etc—and the nut pies. There are the custard pies, cream pies, cheesecake pies, and ice cream pies. There are shoofly pies. There are meat and potato pies. There are vegetable pies. There are pizza pies and enchilada pies. There are pies with crumb crusts, gluten-free crusts, biscuit crusts, oil/lard/butter/Crisco crusts, cookie crusts, store-bought crusts, and pies with no crusts at all. There are hand pies, crostatas, pandowdies, and tarts. Basically, if it’s edible, it can be made into a pie.

Take it away, lovies. I can’t wait to taste your creations!

P.S. The details: Sunday, November 6 at 3 pm. Bring your families, of course, and make sure the kids have warm outside clothes—we’ll probably shoo them all out to the fort. RSVPs are welcome, but not required. Email me for directions. (For those of you traveling a greater distance, there will be a pot of soup simmering on the stove.)


  • Jennifer Jo

    Anonymous, We're outside of Harrisonburg. Hit the contact button and shoot me a message and we can talk details.

    Karen, We're 3 1/2 hours from the Mt. Joy area. You can do it!!!

  • Karen

    So, I'm in Lancaster County, PA. I'm guessing you're about 8 hours away. I'm so very tempted. I'd love meeting other blog folks. How do I present this to my husband in such a way to make it seem like an opportunity we can't miss? Hmmm. I've drug him to the computer screen often enough to read your posts. Still….'your wife will get to meet blog friends' might not be as effective as 'there will be lots and lots of pie'.

  • Raegan

    I so wish I could come. (We live far too…)

    I love reading your blog! It would be so nice to put a name to a creative, inspiring way of life and parenting!

  • Marie M.

    Oh no! Thank you so very much for such a lovely invitation. Sadly it would mean a five hour plane ride. Boo-hoo. But I do wish I could come. It would be such fun to meet you and your family in person. I'll be baking "Auntie Barbara's" pie (my all time favorite) and thinking of you — and your pies. Oh, love the new header. Always loved Twyla Tharp.

  • Anonymous

    I shall eat pie on Nov 6th I will raise my fork and send a virtual toast to everyone attending your pie gala! What a wonderful time you will have. Robin in SoCal

  • Misha

    Oh, you broke my heart with "Virginian country roads." That's a long way from the northern most corner of Washington state. Heart broken. (But sending love! : ) )

  • Mama Pea

    You are one brave (and crazy) lady! What if about 300 of us showed up? You'd have to form a receiving line that we could all go through so we could actually meet you! (Also, you'd have to rent Porta-Potties.)

    Sadness and woe, a trip out East is not in the cards for me. (But wouldn't that be fun??) I'm going to mark the date on my calendar and see what I can pull off here in my own neck o' the woods.

  • Kris

    Oh dear. I thought maybe you would set a date far enough away (a month or two or three?) that I wouldn't have anything scheduled yet, but November 6 is already booked for our family. I cannot come. Alas. And sigh…

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