It’s May 31. Tomorrow night, June 1, the play opens.

What a whirlwind month it’s been!

I have learned so incredibly much that I still have trouble finding the words to describe it all. One thing I do know: the green room (ours, at least) is actually green. I was clearly not paying attention when I told you it wasn’t green.

Tonight is an “invited dress.” (Ooo, look at me do the theater lingo!) This means that the show’s sponsors get bunches of tickets to hand out to their friends and family and then they all get together in one of the studio rooms for a private reception before watching the show. The director said it could be a full house. I’m ready to start performing for someone other than the directors, managers, and crew. (Is it bad luck to admit that I think we’re ready? I hope I didn’t just jinx the play.)

Last night we added make-up to our get-ready routine. (We had already added hair—which keeps getting tweaked—and clothing.) I get to have eyebrows! (I’m much less excited about flaunting my super-high forehead to the masses.)

I tried to sleep in this morning (my parents have the younger two children, which has been A Saving Grace, so it was actually feasible), but the neighbor decided to bang in some fence posts at 7:15. I don’t think he was aware that he was pounding them straight through my head.
After lunch, I tried again to get some sleep. I had just drifted off when the neighbor decided a few more fence posts were in order, youhavegottobekiddingme. I abandoned the sleep idea and turned to chocolate, caffeine, and Ibuprofen, instead.
Though it just occurred to me, I’m in bed for much of the second act. Maybe I’ll doze off between nightmares. (Yeah, right.)
PS. Blood and burn pix coming soon!
PPS. For showtimes and ticket information, click the picture on the sidebar.
This same time, years previous: down to the river to chill, barbecued pork ribs, fresh strawberry cream pie
Show times?
Jennifer Jo
First three weekends in June (so we're wrapping up the first weekend today): Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 and Sundays at 3:00.
It was awesome! Jennifer is an amazing actress! You must go if you can. It is so thought provoking. I laughed, I cried. I felt like I was watching living history, not a play. Jennifer made the show! Oh and her son is great at his part too! Although in one of the final scenes, I am not sure how Jennifer can ….ok, I won't spoil it for you.
the domestic fringe
You'll be great! I hope you catch a little shut-eye before going on stage though.
Break a leg!
dr perfection
It doesn't say where the play is, does it?
Jennifer Jo
Eastern Mennonite University. The mainstage theater.
Mama Pea
Break a leg! ;o}
Cookie baker Lynn
Thanks for sharing the pics. Lovely! I'm sure the play is going to be amazing!