
This past week I took the kids on a 24-hour trip to a private country resort.

At the very start, the proprietess made us a fabulous dinner of organic whole foods: sauteed chard, garden potatoes, baked squash, and green beans. The kids stuffed themselves on the squash. I stuffed myself on the chard (and squash) (and potatoes). To finish off the meal, there was a lovely whipped cream-topped chocolate pudding.

There was an evening theater production of My Fair Lady, and then when we returned from the show (nigh about midnight) with thoughts of the rain in Spain strumming through our heads, plates of buttered toast and bowls of sectioned oranges were delivered to our bedroom chambers.

The following morning I was treated to a first-rate and oh-so-leisurely pedicure.

Seeing as the pedicure-giver is a study in OCD-ism, the treatment involved many steps: scraping, soaking, cuticle trimming, nail painting, and the final touch, a moisturizing treatment with two different creams.

My feet have never looked (and felt) better.

The resort offered other activities, as well.

There was wagon racing:

Bird watching:

Outdoor guitar picking, á la The Sound of Music:

Tree monkeying:

And sky canon-ball-ing:

Sky soaring:

Sky walking:

And sky…saluting?

And thus concludes the story of our 24-hour getaway.

This same time, years previous: a fast update, a bad day


  • Jennifer Jo

    Kirsten, Ha! You're so sweet. I will certainly add your suggestion to my idea pile, but don't hold your breath. (If you get antsy, check out David Lebovitz's blog and anything Dorie Greenspan—both are food writers living in France.)

    But your request has gotten under my skin. I keep thinking about cream puffs now…

  • Kirsten

    Sorry this is off-topic, but do you take requests?

    I needed to bake cream puffs this evening (yes, needed!), so of course I clicked to your recipe list, searching for cream puffs, or profiteroles, or even eclairs. Nothing!

    My desperation told me I've become addicted to your obsessive recipe-perfecting process. It felt really, really wrong to pull an anonymous, un-vetted recipe from, and I was intimidated by the Bavarian cream recipes, so I finally just cooked up some vanilla custard and stuffed the cream puffs with that and some raspberry jam. They were fine, but…

    All that to say, if your hens are laying gangbusters like mine now that spring is here, you could do a whole lot worse than to use some of those eggs up on cream puffs.

    And then you could share your secrets…

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