What would you say?

If you were to be interviewed during the church service tomorrow, answering the questions the pastoral team has set forth for their series on Everyday Ministry— “what do you do?” “what are the challenges and joys?” and “how can the church support you?”—what would you say? You have one minute to answer each question.

Tomorrow I’ll go up front and answer these questions (they want me to focus on either homeschooling, homemaking, or mothering), and in the afternoon I’ll post my answers.

(Hopefully, my shoes will match.)

This same time, years previous: creamy garlic soup


  • Jennifer Jo

    Margo, Our church has been doing this for several months, off and on, and I don't know how long they plan for it to continue. So far we've heard from a lawyer, businessman, school counselor, school teacher, etc. It's fun.

  • The Renwicks

    I manage the events and hospitality team which regularly requires cooking for over 100 people.By regularly I mean bi-weekly. There is lots of admin often and food saftey regulations are at the top of the pile as Im trying to register our kitchen with the local authorities. The joy is in feeding those who are hungry, creating a place for people to linger, to build their relationships and friendships over a meal together, to enable families to come to evening meetings, and parents to come straight from work without having to worry about dinner. The church could support by offering MAN POWER. Cooks, decorators, peelers, cleaners, company. Many hands… light work. Funny – im having to give the same speech this weekend – 🙂 Thanks for letting me try it out on you!

  • Margo

    I love this! I'm going to be pondering what I would say. I'm also going to pass this idea on to our worship commission. Right now we do a "Moment in Mission" occasionally, but it's not so tightly focused. Does someone do this every Sunday?

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