For my daughter

One of my blog friends read my brother’s blog and then sent him some boxes of really cool stuff for his classroom prize box (that he normally keeps stocked with really non-cool stuff). Amongst all the goodies for my brother’s students, there was a package for my daughter.

(This woman is smart. She’s all up in the family business and knows, just from reading our blogs, that we’re within walking distance and that if she were to send a package to my daughter, it would make sense to include it in my brother’s box. If it were anyone else, I might feel a little freaked out, but ‘cause it’s Mavis, everything is super-cool. In fact, it’s better than that—being scrutinized by her is like getting a big bear hug.)

Anyway, my daughter’s package was stuffed full of little bags of all kinds of colorful fabric scraps, some already cut into squares. There was a whole bag of brand-new threads, as well as a t-shirt (“save an egg, crack a smile”) with the tag still on it. My girl glowed.

And then she sewed.

And sewed and sewed and sewed.

She’d get right to work first thing in the morning, not even bothering to get out of bed.

She set up the ironing board and the iron and then impatiently danced around me till I stopped what I was doing to go teach her how.

Her sewing machine isn’t working at present, so she’s sewing a crazy quilt by hand. I have lifted not one finger to help her, which is kind of sad because I could give her some pointers and help to alleviate some of the crookedness factor.

On the other hand, she’s doing just fine, figuring it out as she goes along. We can work on the fine points later.

This same time, years previous: butterscotch ice cream


  • The Renwicks

    I am SO impressed with her eagerness and patience! I certainly dont think Im that disciplined now even – how incredible that she is learning to slow down and do something for the joy of it at such a tender age – I really should pick up a few pointers from her! x

  • Amanda

    Oh my word, it's beautiful. I just learned to quilt this past year and I am in love I tell you. I look at it as a lovely form of Art, just another creative way to express yourself. What a little artist you have on your hands:)

  • Mavis

    #1 Good thing my mother doesn't know how to use a computer… if she found out I sent Miss Becca Boo the t-shirt she gave me for Christmas she'd freak out…

    #2 Apparently she thinks I'm the size of a 10(?) year old…

    #3 You know I'm only sucking up to insure a doughnut party when I make it to Virginia someday… right???

  • Mama Pea

    What your daughter is doing takes a lot of patience, dexterity and skill. I'd like her to know that she is quilting the way the original quilters did it . . . all by hand. And that is to be admired by all of us modern quilters who zip things up by machine. Using a machine is just not the same nor, in my mind, should it be called authentic quilting such as she is doing. What a creative, talented girl!

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