Just the tip

It’s a dreary morning, cloudy and foggy, and all four kids are outside picking strawberries. They have an assortment of buckets and bowls and are tromping up and down the patch in a haphazard manner. Their disorganization bothers me a bit since I’m inclined to move methodically down the row—I like to know from where I’ve come and to where I’m going, and I hate retracing my steps—but we have so many strawberries that it doesn’t really matter. It doesn’t matter if they miss some or if The Baby Nickel stomps on two or three or twenty or if some of Sweetsie’s berries are half-green. An abundance of garden produce brings out a normally much-lacking quality in me—generosity towards my children and their mistakes. (But! Don’t anyone dare touch my basil!)

Oops, now they’re back in, pleased as punch with their finds.

This is just the tip of the strawberry iceberg. I’m needing some ideas and inspiration, so please take a second and tell me: What are your favorite ways to use fresh strawberries?


  • Jennifer Jo

    Zoe, Yogurt popsicles—check.

    Amy, Sliced, sugared and stashed in the fridge—check.

    Goodbadi, Already used some of YOUR berries—skewed check.

    ThyHand, Strawberry souffle, ready for the am—check. (And I’m curious about those last two recipes you mentioned.)

    Robyn, I already made strawberry freezer jam a couple weeks ago with last year’s crushed and pre-measured berries, but I will be making more, so—future check.

    Kris, Still have four gallons of whole berries and about 12 quarts of sliced, sugared berries in the freezer from last year—post check.

    Anything else, anyone? Anyone?

  • Kris

    Maybe it’s because we don’t have our own strawberry patch and have to go picking over in Spring Creek for berries, but we never get tired of eating them fresh all day long, perhaps making one or two batches of strawberry shortcake, then freezing the rest whole or halved (no sugar added) for smoothies all winter long.

    What a blessed problem you have.

    Actually, the great thing about freezing them whole/halved is that you can then make fresh jam in the middle of winter when you have more time (??), or put them into anything baked, even make sauce for shortcake or ice cream (somewhat different texture than fresh, but still yummy). Or you could mash some to freeze if you want to save some space (again, no sugar added — save that for your end recipe).

  • Anonymous

    I have three words for you STRAWBERRY FREEZER JAM!! I just looked for my recipie but I can’t seem to place it but I bet you could find one online- super easy and SUPER delicious. All it is is strawberries, sugar and freezer jam pectin…. I will continue to search for the recipie because it is sooooo good!! Robyn

  • You Can Call Me Jane

    On Strawberry Brunch Souffle (Simply in Season), cereal, oatmeal, in your Aunt Valarie’s Blueberry Bars, on ice cream, in yogurt. Then there is Mrs. Davey Funk Cake and Tishy Falou which I will be posting about at some point. Oh, and, don’t forget to dry some:-).

  • Amy

    I just slice them and pour a cup of sugar on them. Then they’re always ready for anything – milkshakes, shortcakes, ice cream, granola… I can’t even express how much I love strawberries.

  • Zoë

    strawberry yogurt popsicles (though they work with frozen ones, too). I just add a bit of sugar and Brad eats them right up. It’ll be fun to watch Jada enjoy them this summer.

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