Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

A fun-to-make crowd-pleaser.

One of my children has now forfeited her raisin cookie-eating rights.

Dismantling Christmas.

A great reading (and ankle-grabbing) spot.

Hitting the slopes!

Twenty-five degrees, a t-shirt, and a half-mile walk in barefeet: I think she might be hotblooded.

We went to Pennyslvania.

And then we came home.
This same time, years previous: how we kicked off 2016, our little dustbunnies, what it means, sourdough crackers, date nut bread, one year and one day ago, between two worlds, buckwheat apple pancakes, so worth it, the quotidian (1.9.12), salted dulce de leche ice cream with candied peanuts, and hog butchering.
What's the crowd-pleaser?
Looks good!
Jennifer Jo
Taco braid. It was good—and everyone was crazy about it—but I wasn't completely sold. Maybe with a few tweaks…