Just to drive home my point about the rain, here are two photos from yesterday. They were taken (by my daughter) about ten minutes apart in the early afternoon.

This morning I was playing with this first photo, thinking about switching it to black and white, and then I was like, Um, why? It’s already totally gray. Rain really does take the color out of life.
And then, a few miles down the road, brilliant green and almost sunny.

Virginia weather is crazy.
It’s scheduled to rain all next week, I hear. But the next week? TONS OF SUN. Can’t wait!
PS. It’s Friday and I’m still upright. I planned my week carefully, scheduling at least one social interaction for each day. My I-need-people plan continues through this weekend and right into next week. Go me.
PPS. This is sort of a non-post. I apologize. I will be back (who knows when) with cookies. Peanut butter and chocolate are involved. Sit tight.
PPPS. Come to think of it, maybe this is a good time, what with the rain and the upcoming weekend and all, to share book/movie suggestions? Yes? Okay then! I’ll go first.
Reading: Currently, On Acting, by Steven Breese, and next up, Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson (for book club) and A Tree Grows In Brooklyn by Betty Smith (reviewing it to see if it would be a good family read aloud).
Watching: Seinfeld (because some friends gave us a bunch of seasons for our broken-back son), Catastrophe (because a friend mentioned it on Facebook), and House of Cards (I’m a couple episodes short of completing the show). As for movies, I’ve recently seen Brooklyn, Spotlight, Concussion, and The Big Short, and I’m wanting to see The Lady in the Van, Eye in the Sky, and The Intern.
Your turn! What are you watching and reading?
This same time, years previous: on getting a teen out of bed in the morning, the quotidian (5.12.14), maseca cornbread, two quotidians, lemon rhubarb chicken, rhubarb sorbet, and bald-headed baby.
My husband and I both recently read "A Manual for Cleaning Women" by Lucia Berlin. Not gentle at all, but absolutely incredible writing. It is short stories of the sort that you only read one per night so that you can savor each one on its own. Also I've been making my way through Seth Kantner's books about life in northern Alaska: Ordinary Wolves and Shopping for Porcupine. The former is fiction, the latter autobiographical. His perspective, story and thoughts are well formed and fascinating.
We saw 'Remember' this week and enjoyed it. Yes on 'The Intern' and 'The Lady in the Van' which I would see over any other. Maggie Smith is epic!
Just got through reading Seven Brief Lessons in Physics. It was fabulous. A book I will need to re-read, but I want to do that. The author opened up a whole new world for me. I have not watched any movies other than the ones you listed, so no suggestions there. Are you enjoying your down time, or do you feel at loose ends?
Jennifer Jo
Loose ends all the way—HATING the down time—though my outlook on life is (slowly) improving. (Thanks for asking.)
I placed "Physics" on hold.
Kathy Gardner
I'm reading "Things I've Learned From Dying, A Book About Life" by David Dow. It really makes me stop and think. I like his writing style and how he is incorporating different people with the same theme throughout the book.
I don't "watch" a lot of movies but I do have them playing while I'm reading usually. I am not good at just sitting and watching which is why I don't go to the movie theater. I love live plays though and have no problem sitting through a play because I feel like I am involved with the actors. I have been to plays where I did not feel a connection with the actors and it was not as enjoyable but never a waste of time.
Jennifer Jo
I've read Dow's book. I got a lot out of it, too.
I love "Housekeeping" and everything Marilynne Robinson has written. Her books are so gentle, thoughtful and thought-provoking. I chose "Gilead" for my bookclub last year (it's my absolutely favorite book) and it provoked a beautiful discussion. I randomly picked up a book by Jennier Haigh at the library (The Condition) and loved the writing. I just finished another of her books, "News from Heaven," which also had lovely writing. My bookclub is now reading "The Greatest Generation," which I'm sorry to say sounds truly boring, but I haven't actually opened it yet, ha. I'll try and keep an open mind … Meanwhile, I'm devouring "Wild," which was all the buzz a couple years ago. I enjoy Cheryl Strayed's podcast "Dear Sugar," so I'm enjoying getting to know the backstory of a familiar voice.
Just finished "The Happiness Challenge" by Gretchen Rubin. Loved it.
Second Sister
"Call the Midwife" is my new favorite show of all time.
Jennifer Jo
I tried watching that show but it felt dark and depressing. Does it give you that feeling, too? Or have I just not watched enough episodes?
We love the show!
I haven't seen a movie in way too long! Years!
Just finished The Kiterunner.
It was heavy but well written.
I live in Seattle. I get it about the rain. I love how you're able to articulate these feelings.
Suburban Correspondent
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn just might be one of the best books ever written. I never used it for a read-aloud, though. I would just hand it to my 13-14-year-old daughters and say, "Here – you need this."
Just started "Ordinary Light" – I will let you know how that goes!
Jennifer Jo
Did the girls like it? I was thinking of handing it to my daughter… (I read it when I was a young teen but can't remember it at all.)
I read it for the first time about a year ago. Excellent.