Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

For my lunch: cheesy polenta and kale.

Strawberry daiquiri concentrate: Thank you, Jennifer Jo of 2011!

The half-naked chef: concocting repeat batches of tea from the same mint leaves until the water ran clear.

A case of the post-bath shakes.

At it again: our clothing fashionista.
(Can you guess what our Sunday night movie was?)

Bowl of pretty.
(And then they all died.)

Actually getting along.

Spring evening perfection.
This same time, years previous: maseca cornbread, my first play, margarita cake, lemony spinach and rice salad with dill and feta, hummus, and rhubarb sorbet.
Melodie Davis
Gamboling lambs and kids–they both have the same spirit.
That's some childhood your kids have.
Love that last shot…so great! 🙂
Was the movie Peter Pan?
Jennifer Jo
Hook—close enough. She went on to fashion a shirt, too.