Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

I didn’t feel like cooking a Thanksgiving meal so we had leftovers.

A week later I redeemed myself.

And made a pile of broth from the carcass.

We got to hang with these sweet monkeys for a week.

“Let’s make an ad for chocolate milk,” I said: nailed it.

And then we gave them axes and released them into the wilds.

This is my family pulling down a cut (and stuck) tree with a truck while arguing nonstop and very loudly.

Movie night with the cuzzes!

The short and tall of it.

The spreadsheet guru imparting her wisdom.

Who says standing desks have to be fancy?

Team headlight replacement.

Every morning: Heading out to visit the ladies.
This same time, years previous: the fourth child, 2020 garden stats and notes, the quotidian (12.9.19), the quotidian (12.10.18), when the dress-up ballgown finally fits, yeasted streusel cake with lemon glaze, managing my list habit, in my kitchen (sort of): 4:15 p.m., stuffing.
One Comment
Every time I see those hanging colander bulb shades, I smile!