Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace


Crescenza, a soft Italian cheese.

Romano, unwrapped.

Signing up for next sememster classes.

Cow rainbow.

We need rain.
photo credit: my younger son

Farm work.

Biker layers, and minus the padded jacket, gloves, helmet, etc.

It feels so good to finally be running again.

Sunday evening.
photo credit: my younger son
This same time, years previous: dulce de leche, chai tea concentrate, what we ate, the quotidian (11.5.16), old-fashioned apple roll-ups, cinnamon pretzels, meatloaf, musings from the coffee shop, awkward, cheesy broccoli potato soup.
Dying to know updates on the pregnant cow!!!
Jennifer Jo
Text exchange between me and our farmer friend who sold Charlotte to us…
Him: Any sign of Charlotte’s calf?
Me: No, we think you just sold us a really fat cow.
Him: Wait. Are you serious??!!
Me: No!!! Girlfriend is WADDLING.
In other words, Nothing, zilch, NADA.
The whole situation is beginning to feel slightly ridiculous.
Carol S-B
It’s great to see you up and doing. That was a gruelling extraction.
Also: Butterfingers! (looks for recipe, pouts)
Jennifer Jo
In development — hang on!