Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Does it get any better than this? No. No, it does not.

She wanted a vanilla Costco cake, so she bought herself one.

Not all my loaves turn out pretty.

Fuel for a girlfriends’ porch date.

Because sometimes you just need a Coke and fries for lunch.

What makes our bakery special (she says, with chest puffed).

The notes we leave.

Back from his three weeks in NYC.

His new cut reminds me of Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting.

I think she likes her new (to her) car.

She’s been wanting to get her motorcycle license so within the last eight (EIGHT!) days she got gear, and then a bike, took a safety training course, learned to ride, and as of yesterday, she got her license.

Girl moves fast!

A lifetime supply of chile Cobán from Guatemala: thank you, Melissa!!!

Long day.
This same time, years previously: one step further, yogurt: the water bath method, iced café con leche, the quotidian (7.31.17), my deficiency, a pie story, joy, blueberry torn-biscuit cobbler, shrimp, mango, and avocado salad.
Oh my word – that lamination! That’s all I can say…
Is there a way to subscribe to the Lil Peach Bus blog
Jennifer Jo
Not yet! They’re still working out the kinks. For now, we’ll all just have to click on it obsessively, hoping for a new post…
I was wondering the same thing!
Jennifer Jo
Their blog is back up and running (https://www.lilpeachbus.com/), and now you can subscribe AND comment, hip-hip!!