Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

August takes the kitchen.

Nectarines: thick rounds are faster and tastier than thin wedges.


Prepping to drink me some garden goodness.

And I was even standing right there!

For packed lunches: my secret weapon.

So. Much. Rain.

A halter for Butterscotch.


Three duplicates, all starting with M: can you name them?

My husband is trying to train me out of leaving water stains on the table.

It’s a plan.
This same time, years previous: almond apricot pound cake with amaretto, breaking horses, knowing my questions, a piece of heaven, peach cornmeal cobbler.
Ugh, boil over on the stove. A pet peeve, especially when I am right there too!
Hmmmmm….3 masks, monitors and mattress, right? lol. ding ding ding!
Jennifer Jo
Ding ding ding!
We have no rain in Upstate New York. It is not much fun to raise grass-fed beef and lamb when there is no rain.