Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Sorting through, using up.

To be topped with maple sugar and sliced bananas.

The temp dropped so I took advantage and ran the oven all day.

In development: maple pecan.

Butter and (of course) buttermilk pancakes to put it on.

To be pickled. (I used my pressure canner for the first time!)

She cooks and plates.


Still needs work, but closer.

The crumb is too tight. Suggestions?
(That the recipe used to work and now doesn’t is one of life’s great mysteries.)

Experiment: cracked black pepper Parmesan. (I’m excited.)

All for the sake of a Swiss.

An Ultimate fail (my foot busted out the side) and its neon fix.

For when you can’t commit to where you want to build a bonfire.

She loves bakery fails.

Prepping for church: a mock-up of her senior table.

Bad dogs.

Chatting with Gavin. (If you want to see, my interview is at the one-hour mark.)

Wine and cheese are always better with friends.

A tornado warning and a (brief) middle-of-the-night basement hang.
This same time, years previous: family road trip, nova scotia oatcakes, one morning, all before lunch, the quotidian (6.19.17), the quotidian (6.20.16), sinking in, in recovery, walking through water, refried beans.
Regarding your baguette…
given that nothing else has changed, I suspect the tight crumb is a result of the age of the flour. On page 335 of Rose Levy Beranbaum’s The Bread Bible, she writes “The secret to the big holes and fine crust: the right kind of flour (and not over three months old),”
Jennifer Jo
I was using fresh-from-the-store flour (though that doesn’t mean it wasn’t old, I suppose), and it was more or less the same kind I normally buy…but maybe I should try another flour anyway. It’s worth a shot….
Yes, mush of beets would be my concern. Maybe try new lids when you water bath beets ( I know you like to reuse lids:)).
Pickled beets are my favorite. If using a proven recipe, you shouldn’t need to pressure can because the acid level has been tested.
Jennifer Jo
Agreed! But I’ve always had trouble with pickled beet jars coming unsealed a few months in so I’m trying this to see if this gets a better seal. (I may have reduced them to mush though — we’ll see!)
Thrift at Home
How do you feel about pressure canning!? (I love it, full disclosure)
I have loved the cooler temps – giving me fall vibes but without winter cold looming. Sweater weather. It’s great.
Jennifer Jo
It wasn’t as nearly as scary as I thought! Funnily enough, my younger son was the one to break me in. He pressure cooked some woodchips for his mushroom project and was totally unfazed by it, so then I decided to get over myself.