Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Roast at high heat with olive oil and salt: swoon and gobble.

Elevated nachos: with homemade Jarlsberg and the last of the Red Pepper Bel Paese.

Spring = playing increasingly frantic games of cheese tetris with my limited cool spaces.

Whey ricotta so thick I could slice it.


And the snack of the week goes to — drumroll — dates and smoked almonds!

Packed-lunch material.

My mom came to see me and brought me cookies.

We don’t talk about.

Table chips.

CD player guts.

Virginia whiplash: 65 degrees one day, freezin’ and blowin’ the next.
This same time, years previous: cherry bounce, the coronavirus diaries, puff pastry, expanded, for science, fresh ginger cookies, the quotidian (3.13.17), the quotidian (3.14.16), raspberry ricotta cake, chocolate babka, from my diary, Monday mini bites, warm sourdough chocolate cakes.
Laurie Lasala-Tuttle
Thanks so much, AND I’m waiting anxiously for your book!
Hi Jennifer, I continue to enjoy your writing & recipes. Could you please share the two cookies that you’ve posted. Both the bars and your mom’s cookies look delicious! Thanks, Laurie
Jennifer Jo
Re the granola bar recipe, I wrote about it here: https://bit.ly/3u3VW66
Re the cookies: request noted!