Popping in with popovers, again, but this time: sugar-crusted. I know.

When I posted about popovers (just) last week, reader Miriam suggested I try David’s version in which the outside of the popover gets brushed with melted butter and then aggressively rolled in cinnamon sugar. So I did — but with my recipe as the base — and WOW, sooo good.

In this version, the butter turns the crispy-crunchy exterior soft and tender, like the butter-drenched center of the piece of toast. Actually, come to think of it, the entire popover is like the center part of a piece of toast, plus cinnamon sugar, which is awesome. The inside stays like it was before except wherever there’s a hole in the crust, the butter and sugar runs down in making it all buttery and sugary on the inside, too, swoon. For those of you raised on cinnamon sugar toast, this one’s for you. THANK YOU, MIRIAM.

Because these are best eaten fresh (and you probably shouldn’t eat them all yourself), these make for a fantastic contribution to any potentially awkward, post-Covid gathering: a brunch with extended family, a team meeting with coworkers, an (indoor!) afternoon coffee with friends. Show up with a cloth-lined basket stuffed with these billowy, sugar-crusted clouds of goodness and any lingering social angst will vanish immediately, you mark my words.

So go on, now. Be a hero. Bake some sugar-crusted popovers and feed them to people. The world will be a better place for it.

Sugar-Crusted Popovers
Adapted from David Lebovitz’s blog.
Brushing baked goodies with melted butter and cinnamon sugar is not a new concept — I’ve used it before with muffins (the very first recipe on this blog!) — and is well worth the little bit of extra mess.
1 recipe of popovers, baked
2-3 tablespoons melted butter
½ cup sugar mixed with 1 teaspoon cinnamon
As soon as the popovers are cool enough to handle, brush them with melted butter and then dredge in the cinnamon sugar. Devour.
This same time, years previous: the quotidian (5.25.20), about that house (and some news!), a few fun things, in which we didn’t need the gun, the quotidian (5.25.15), rosa de jamaica tea, questions and carrots, strawberry shortcake with milk on top.
Can you roll them around in cinnamon sugar after dipping them into the butter if you don’t have a brush?
Jennifer Jo
They look delicious – can you send some over please? 😉
LOL I feel famous! Glad you tried them! Now I need to make some.
If you can come up with something like this that’s just as puffy and heroic but not eggy, I will pay attention.