Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace
Scrap pie: two different rhubarb fillings plus some fresh, plus red raspberries.
Blessed are the cheesemakers.
With crème fraîche and lemon.
Fromage blanc: too different to replace cream cheese, but I tried.
Crème fraîche pound cake with crème fraîche and red raspberry sauce.
Sweet and crunchy.
Even after scrubbing, the garden lingers.
Neither of us can recall the reason for this weirdness.
After the girlfriends left.
First-time buyer: the produce auction.
Water problems, again. Mid-shower: angry-dashing to the basement.
An evening date to get ice cream (and that rhubarb).
They build things.
Ultimate shoes.
This same time, years previous: where in the world, an honor, Thursday snippets, tomato coconut soup, rhubarb crunch vanilla ice cream, immersion, black bean and sweet potato chili, the family reunion of 2012, getting ready, warts and all.
Melinda Armentrout
Try mixing some used coffee grounds with your soap to get the garden stains off. It’s a mild exfoliant. My husband and I used to run a Farmers Market locally and this was a common issue.
I can attest to the rhubarb pie! And I guess the precarious pile has something to do with cheesemaking?
Jennifer Jo
Yep, that’s paneer getting squashed between the skillets. Making the saag tonight….