the quotidian (11.18.19)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace 

Maple roasted butternut.

A new way to seed a butternut.

A well-ROUNDED breakfast, ha.

All systems go!

“It works just like a helmet!”

Smooshy luscious.
Oh snap! 

Well worth a poke in the eye. 

Reader’s theater for The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, and my mother, the conductor.

This same time, years previous: spiced applesauce cake with caramel glaze, the quotidian (11.17.14), in my kitchen: noon, the quotidian (11.18.13), the quotidian (11.19.12), red lentil soup with lemon and spinach, orange cranberry bread.


  • Margo

    Are you getting contacts for the first time?! Exciting! I just went through a contact fitting for the first time *ever* and like my new brand better than my old (my eye doc said that contacts are like shoes – some brands just fit and suit your eyes/feet better than others)

    • Jennifer Jo

      Yes, first time! I'm a wimp about my eyes — can hardly even put eye drops in — so this is big stuff. I still need to wear reading glasses for up close, but with just the contacts I can read things at arm's length, which feels rather miraculous. And playing sports with no glasses — it's a whole new world!!!

  • beckster

    As mommychef noted, your youngest son has gotten so tall, so quickly! Looks like things are going well at the Murch household. Maple roasted butternut, now that sounds fantastic!

  • mommychef

    What's your laundry-avoiding son reading? Just finished Flowers for Algernon per your rec so we're looking for the next suggestion! also, he looks SO tall!!!

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