the quotidian (1.21.19)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace
These days, all things Southern, both readin’ and cookin’.
The twelve-year-old cooks.
The box looks boring and cheap; the chocolates are anything but.
Have you tried them?
Last breakfast.
A gift from Glorimar: both candle AND hand lotion.
Bad dog!

In my mother’s kitchen.
(What you don’t see: the sweet, sweet baby I’m holding.)

Oh wait  here you go! See? So sweet.

Photo Credit: Younger Daughter
Have a great week!

This same time, years previous: the quotidian (1.22.18), the women’s march on Washington, lemon cream cake, lazy stuffed cabbage rolls, cream cheese dip, world’s best pancakes.

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