the quotidian (12.31.18)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Christmas Eve.
Cookies for breakfast.
Piped peanut butter.
Power outage: but thanks to my sweet kitchen beast, I could still cook!
Beef jerky.
The Destroyer of Clean Windows strikes again.
Three shades of dirty.

Just for kicks, they like to open up the septic, stare into the abyss, and ponder the meaning of life. 
How they play.
(See it — and a tour of my trashed house —here.) 
SO snowboarding ready.
Tech support.
Look at those cheeks!

This same time, years previous: family magnified, our apocalypse, tamalada!, eggnog, throwing it down.

One Comment

  • Karren

    So jealous of that arm full of love you're holding in that last picture. We have no babies in our family right now and I miss that special feeling. And those cheeks are just so yummy, you just want to cover them with kisses.

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