the quotidian (11.12.18)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Pappardelle pasta.

And what I made with it.

Discovering delicata: tasty and pretty, but not as flavorful as butternut.

Dishes done.
Photo credit: younger son

Voting is fun.

First time: it took two trips to the station, though, since he forgot his license the first time around.

Selfie at 14.
Insulating the clubhouse for Thanksgiving because we make our guests sleep outside.

Sunday evening at church: Kurdish (Filipino! Latino!) dancing and fantastic food. 
At one point, my husband muttered something about our kids having a bit of a different church experience than the one we both had growing up, and I burst out laughing, Are they ever.


  • Crystal

    Delicata is our favorite squash. Much better than butternut. I agree with Margo, some years' crops are better than others. A few years back the crop was very bland. I couldn't believe it was the same thing. Tasted very different than what I was used to.
    I'm not sure what conditions altered the taste so much. I haven't heard of different varieties either.
    Since I found delicata I rarely make butternut anymore. Easier to prepare and better tasting. I hope you find a good one! We recently found Sunshine squash- and that is quickly becoming a new favorite as well. Sweet Mama is another delicious one.

  • katie

    We love the delicatas but roast them differently than butternut. Slice them thin, like you show in your photo there. Then roast on a flat plan with coconut oil and a bit of salt. High temp. Don't stir — let them get brown and crusty. Fix a lot because they disappear quickly!

  • farm buddy

    I have grown Delicata for years, and they can be fantastic. I just cut them in half and roast them till they are really, really done. Thing is that there are different types of Delicata. Some strains are a tan color with stripes instead of yellow or cream colored. Those tan ones are even sweeter, but all Delicata are great. This year, I grew lots of buttercup squash. They are dark green with the gray button on the bottom. They have deep orange flesh and are very, very good too.

  • Margo

    I think roasted delicatas are even better than butternuts! Or maybe that's because I give the delicatas extra points because I don't have to peel them?

    • Jennifer Jo

      I've heard/read that Delicatas are supposed to be better, but the first one I made didn't have much flavor and the texture seemed a little mealy. But maybe it was just a dud squash? The second one's flavor was still lacking, but the texture was better. I'll keep sticking with it. I'm only just beginning to figure them out….

    • Margo

      It may be their flavor wasn't the best this year – it was so wet that it may have washed out some of the richness. Sad to say, the farmer I buy delicatas from had only a handful to sell because it was such a bad year for them :/

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