Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Asparagus beans, from a friend.

Tied into wreaths and then lightly steamed.


Sometimes my husband complains there isn’t enough granola. For his birthday, I shut him up.

Marking time.

Fallen ones.

All day long, dark and dreary.

My people.
This same time, years previous: a list, the adjustment, the quotidian (10.15.12), grab and go: help wanted, three vignettes: my husband, how to have a donut party, part one, apple cake, 2008 garden stats and notes.
You have a lovely family. I like the picture of your farmhouse in the fog. That would be a nice black and white print.
I like to read back through your same time last year links. Couple questions…why did you go to Nicaragua the 2 times? Was that part of a missions trip? I saw the building of the fort in one post and then in another later I saw the burning down of the fort. ???
Jennifer Jo
1. The house: Thank you!
2. We volunteered with Mennonite Central Committee.
3. Forts, they come and go!
dr perfection
except for that glum one in the back.
dr perfection
your people know how to pose for a picture.