Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

If you ever get the urge to top a lemon blueberry cake with a tahini-sugar drizzle, don’t.

By the quart: grape jelly.

Vintage tuna and macaroni salad, with peas.

Too bad I made two: a fresh tomato pie with grilled chicken and basil that no one much liked.

Apples from our tree
Scrappy and free
For pie

Oh, girls!

Snip-snip—OOPS, giggle-snort—snip.
(I have no idea what I’m doing.)

What. You lookin’ at me?

(Photo by my older son.)
In search of shade.


Curious George.

A window for Chomper.

When dragons sleep….
This same time, years previous: nectarine bourbon pie, historical fun, in defense of battered kitchen utensils, the quotidian (9.16.13), the quotidian (9.17.12), goodbye summer, hello fall, the potluck solution, cornmeal whole wheat waffles, hard knocks.
Kathy Gardner
I've never had a fresh tomato pie but I absolutely love tuna macaroni salad. I have a box of small shells to make a batch tomorrow.
To me, tuna macaroni salad is always with small shells. It may still be delicious with the "wrong" pasta, but it just doesn't look right to me 🙂
I beg to differ about the fresh tomato pie—absolutely scrumptious!
I think I would like it, also.
farm buddy
Chomper is looking good!
Mama Pea
You have our deck table and chairs!
P.S. Simply love the short haircuts on both your girls. And what happened when papa woke up??
Jennifer Jo
It was quite the undertaking, battling the kid AND the knots, but he did it!
Um, aren't you going to require some weird maneuvering with the knife to get to the bottom of that jelly jar?
That said, I have serious grape jelly envy.
Jennifer Jo
A spoon—a long-handled spoon. Because that's how we eat our jelly…by the spoonful!