the quotidian (9.4.17)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Monster melon.

Coming in October: Agnes of God. I’m the psychiatrist.

Continual soundtrack: Just GO, will you?

She wanted a lesson so I delegated.

Stuck popcorn kernel (probably): I can feel it but no one can see it.

Every night she takes Velvet out to pee. Makes cleaning the stall easier.

Beyond excited: a weekend wildnerness camping trip with friends (no adults!) in the rain and cold.

Entryway whiteboard inspiration.
(So I think it’s probably safe to assume that the two older kids did a lot of growing this weekend.)

This same time, years previous: in my kitchen: 5:25 p.m., the cousins came, the quotidian (9.2.13), the quotidian (9.3.12), roasted tomato and garlic pizza sauce, roasted peaches, picture perfect, honey whole wheat cake, blueberry coffee cake.

One Comment

  • Margo

    I camped in that rain and cold this past weekend. It was dreadfully uncomfortable, but I'm not sure I grew any 🙂
    Love the piano lesson photo – so animated.

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