Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

A bulk purchase.

To put in jars: prep work.

Celebration apple pies: because he requested them.

Peach pie: it’s what’s for dinner (and lunch and snack).

Always a fave.

Awaiting the choppers.

Grocery store baguette, bologna, and cheese: leagues better than fast food.

My attempt at keeping down the travel costs: car breakfast.


Reading up: he’s decided he wants to know as much as his papa.

When a homemade bow snaps.

It’s a cankle! (Thanks to that bee sting.)

Shelling out the big bucks for a high-end lesson: her first with Velvet since Leslie died.

When there is no lunch box, an empty cereal box works just fine.

Photo credit: the beloved childhood babysitter.
This same time, years previous: knowing my questions, the quotidian (8.12.13), a piece of heaven, Friday snark, totally worth it, fresh mozzarella.
dr perfection
Lovely pic of you and John on the water. Relaxing.
Lebanon bologna?
Jennifer Jo
Yes, always. It's everyone's favorite.
YUM! Almost impossible to find in SC but I was raised on it. I have to have our son who is stationed in Ohio with the Air Force bring it to us when he visits.
Looks like someone got some brand spankin' new freezer bags. 😉