the quotidian (6.19.17)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Every day, my lunch: this, plus Swiss chard and chickpeas.

San Fransisco Diner classic: Joe’s Special.

I wonder how the chicken is feeling…
Oh dear, the weather’s all gone.
Assessing the damage.


Picked over and rearranged: making them last.


This same time, years previous: smart hostessing, sinking in, dobby and luna, magic custard cake, the quotidian (6.19.12), Kate’s enchiladas, cabbage apple slaw with buttered pecans, freezing spinach.

One Comment

  • Athanasia

    That's a lot. I tried reading your food receipts but not clear enough. I always like looking into people's carts and see what they're buying. This would have been kind of like that.

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