Last Wednesday, my younger son had the surgery on his broken arm. The kid was so excited! He woke up on his own at 5:15 and insisted upon taking the recommended 2nd pre-surgery shower (that we said he didn’t need to take).

At the hospital, his giddy happiness gradually turned to anxiety-laced cheerfulness. He wanted me right next to him for everything, and when they put in his IV (it took two tries), he had a death grip on my hand.

But he never stopped smiling! Even when he came out of surgery, all mellow and subdued, he was still pleasant and curious.

What a trooper.
The doctor said the bones had already started to fuse back together. He told me—rather exuberantly, I thought—that it’d taken a bit of tugging and pulling to set the arm, and then he eagerly got out his phone to show me the x-rays of his work. I wasn’t too surprised when the kid had a lot more pain this time around.
Yesterday was the follow-up appointment. I couldn’t wait to see what was under all the bandaging.

There’s a pin matter-of-factly sticking out of the skin. Eek!

Judging by the x-rays, the inside part of the pin is about 2 inches long and angles back up into his arm, through the break. (His skin is orange, I’m guessing because of the surgery disenfectant.)
Now that he’s pinned, and because there’s already lots of new bone growth, they put him in a below-the-elbow cast which is super nice. Three weeks in this one, and then back to the office to pull the pin (sounds, um …. interesting?), and then a couple more weeks in a removable (hip-hip!) brace.

Broken bones are such an adventure!
This same time, years previous: chocolate peanut butter sandwich cookies, the quotidian (5.18.15), crock pot pulled venison, help, a burger, a play, and some bagels, my favorite things, strawberry spinach salad, cinnamon tea biscuits.
farm buddy
I love pictures of your happy kids!
Congratulations on moving to the short arm cast. That must make things SO much easier for him. May his zest for life continue til he's an little old old man!
why was he excited? Just the new experience of a hospital??
I broke my leg when I was in high school and I had surgery to put in a pin near my ankle (but not, thank heavens, sticking out of my leg!), and then about 6 months later to take it out. The pin was bent a little with the growth of my bone. My doctors all said that bone would ache as the barometric pressure changed and I thought that would be a bonus (I'm a weather geek), but it never has. Bummer.
Jennifer Jo
Just the thrill of the hospital trip, I think. He's had surgery before, so he knew what was coming. He just has zest for life!