the quotidian (5.8.17)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Because I was craving chocolate.
He always spills.
A new month, a stocked larder: hallelujah.
Dancing dervish, aka our resident dork.
Repairing the damage.

Natural curls: how best to manage the mop?
(Giving this a go.)

This same time, years previous: Moroccan carrot and chickpea salad, the science of parenting, fence, how it is, not what we’re used to, rhubarb cream pie, roasted rhubarb.


  • Lauralli

    I noticed the sugar stack right away–of course I did! 🙂 I'm curious about the can of "water". And, I'm shocked that you don't make up your own taco seasoning! I love looking at other's pantries too, can you tell? About the curls…I have pretty curly hair and have tried so many products it's ridiculous! My current favorite I get at Wal-Mart for a mere $7–hallelujah! It's a line called Strictly Curls by Marc Anthony. The product is called Curl Envy. It's very light, smells good (important) and works great for me!!

  • Judy

    I love photos of other people's pantries. I ask if I can take a picture when I visit anyone pretty. I think I like all the potential I see there and feel like I can know them better from their cooking ingredients. Lots of energy there.

    • Athanasia

      Judith, I like exploring pantries also. It's always interesting to see what that thing is that a family just can't live without. My family it is NUTS. Peanuts, pecans, filberts, mixed, any kind…. I can substitute this and that in recipes but if the nuts are missing, oh no.

      I like the sugar stack. (At least I think that is what it is…what it looks like in the picture) I don't think I ever have less than 3 powdered sugar on hand.

    • Jennifer Jo

      I was wondering if anyone would notice the sugar stack! Each bag is 7 pounds—we were gearing up for a donut party….

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