Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

For a quadruple batch of revitalization soup: it lasted us from Solstice to New Year’s.

I heart bread.

Oh, nuts: an expensive flop.

Learning to use silpats.

To balance the sugar.

It’s a love story.

Nursing his audiobook addiction.

Hair trim and blowout.


Computer screen selfie.

Wrapping polo wraps.


Kindle magic: he picks it up and promptly forgets he has a family.

The perks of travel: FOOD.

New Year’s Eve glow run: i.e., the race in which I got passed by a gazillion little kids.

Another “finally” project getting ticked off the list.
This same time, years previous: 5-grain porridge with apples, the quotidian (1.2.12), loose ends, and lentil sausage soup.
The nuts look good…did you use them anyways? Add them to chex mix, but since they are already toasted, add them in after the cereals are done baking.
I am not sure what is meant by "wrapping polo wraps". ??
Jennifer Jo
The nuts might be too far-gone. Not sure I can stomach them.
Horses wear polo wraps around their ankles (for support) and my daughter had washed her huge collection and was rolling them up, using a contraption that my husband fashioned for that very purpose.
Oh, I see. I guess. I thought maybe she was sewing. Her skirt is very pretty fabric.
I suppose you can always add the nuts to the bird and squirrel buffet 🙂
A mouse ate my silpat. And it didn't just nibble nicely around the edges, it chomped out the middle.
The back splash does look great! A little something new in the kitchen really makes the chores seem different, at least for a while. The nuts were a fail??? Why? They look good.
Jennifer Jo
Even though I baked them for less time then she called for, they got too toasty. And the flavor was blah. Very underwhelming. Have you tried them?
No, and I certainly won't after your review. I am a nut lover, and I would hate to ruin any of them. I occasionally spice up nuts, but most often eat them raw.
I LOVE my silpats!! I have 4. Do you like yours?
Jennifer Jo
I'm still not sure. I think I do….
I like silpats for some things. I don't like to roast veggies or bake cookies on them.
Suburban Correspondent
Is the sink new, too? I love my double sink. Especially handy if there is no dishwasher!
And, yeah, I definitely need something to balance the sugar around here.
Jennifer Jo
Nope, we got the sink when we moved in. But a new backsplash will make the entire kitchen feel new!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the backsplash!
Jennifer Jo
Thank you—me, too!