the quotidian (12.5.16)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

I suspected I wouldn’t like this apple tea and I was right.
They disappeared way too fast.

Lebkuchen: the dough sits at room temp for two months (!!!) before baking.

Pfeffernusse: the real kind, with two dots over the “u.”
Dog in a bucket.

Cat in a basket.
Startling: a size comparison.

Christmas show at the horse farm.

In  the haystack: a city of burrows.

He  builds things.

Elevated walking.


Late fall.

This same time, years previous: oatmeal sandwich bread, the college conundrum, in my kitchen: 6:44 p.m., cinnamon raisin bread, baked ziti, 17 needles and 4 children, the quotidian (12.5.11), bellydancing… in public, raisin-filled cookies, and chocolate truffle cake,


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