the quotidian (11.7.16)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Stacking them up.

To  combat Halloween: kale, leftover spaghetti carbonara, egg.
Two thumbs up (though some silly people scraped off the pepitas and cilantro).

Chuchitos: thanks to Melissa.

Cousin crush.

Kitty sandwich.

Queen of the decaying flowerbeds.

Not typical November colors.

Routine maintenance.

Definition of awesome: when you do a job for a friend and payment arrives in the belly of a pinata.

Joint practice.

A)  Inflated ego? B) Bored child? C) Just another day in the Murch household?
(Answer: C)
Our new (old) van.

Final donut-making steps (literally): putting the equipment in the attic.

Princess Bride reenactment.

The family communicator: perhaps I take my job a little too seriously?

This same time, years previous: musings from the coffee shop, awkward, “How are you different now?”, bierocks, let me sum up, laid flat, crispy cinnamon cookies, and brown sugar icing.


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