the quotidian (8.29.16)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Luscious bits of sexy. 
(Yes, tomatoes are sexy. Do not contradict me.)

Blackberry balsamic vinaigrette. 
(Also sexy, shut up.)

Experimentation: a weekend of donuts, and the potatoes to go in them.

Mind blown.

(Like these, but made out of cast aluminum and costing 250 dollars.)

The Last Morsel. 
 (Me: Eat it.
Husband: Can’t. I’m stuffed.
And then he ate it.)
Laundry folding party: we really know how to whoop it up good, be jealous.


Crafting, plus conversation about cake.

The kid has a thing for trees right now.

 The game that all good Mennonites (or MCC volunteers) must play. 
 This game looks calm. It was anything but. 

This same time, years previous: tomatoes in cream, don’t even get me started, Bezaleel scenes, they’re getting it!, pasta with lemon-salted grilled zucchini and onions, grape parfaits, 2011 stats and notes, chocolate yogurt cake, buttery basil pesto, roasted tomato sauce, and pasta with sauteed peppers and onions.

One Comment

  • Margo

    Oh! I need to roast tomatoes!

    Also, I have a recipe for blackstrap balsamic apple butter on my blog if you need even MORE sexy 🙂

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