Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

Pantry fruit salad.

Pork loin with garlic and rosemary.

Dog food: I fed the family bad meat (not that pork loin) (to no ill effects, THANK GOODNESS).

Gray and soppy.

Sick for a week: only good for paperwork.

EMT practice.

Disturbing: digging for trash.

The kid who doesn’t like to make repeat trips.

The Sunday Night Smoosh: family weirdness captured.
This same time, years previous: lemon cheesecake morning buns, peanut butter and jelly bars, pan-fried tilapia, the quotidian (2.20.12), toasted steel-cut oatmeal, the case of the whomping shovel, dulce de leche coffee, blueberry cornmeal muffins, the morning after, and Molly’s marmalade cake.
So relieved to hear your bad meat incident came out okay!
We do the same thing when we watch a show together! We don't have a TV. Just computer.
dr perfection
will she still be able to have a pony tail or put it in an updo for the prom?
dr perfection
I like Rebecca's new hair length
Jennifer Jo
I cut it myself. I didn't do it right, so I had to take her to a professional for some touch-up and instruction. Now she wants it even shorter, so it looks like I'll get a chance to put into practice what I just learned.