Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

No sugar cereal involved: the birthday boy’s requested breakfast.

Ice cream cake. Always ice cream cake.

A new cornbread: needs more work.

A Greek sweet: also needs more work.

For all the salads: quinoa!

Early morning scribbles.

Ready for work.

In another world.

Outsourcing the metric system lesson.

Headphones forever.

Scrub a-dub dub.


Sky candy.
This same time, years previous: it gets better, colds, busted knees, and snowstorms, chocolate pudding, how we do things, the quotidian (2.13.12), Shakespeare in church, the outrageous incident of the Sunday boots, just stuff, life interrupted, potato gnocchi, slow thinking, and cleaning up bad attitudes.
Second Sister
It looked like you've got a blanket wrapped around you? I totally do that. Extra layers just aren't enough these days. Just get the whole blanket, wrap around and tuck it as high as possible to still let your arms free for doing, well, the stuff you've got to do with your arms! I drag myself thickly around through the house, then like a Mongolian princess or something! Hee hee. I like when you put pictures of you, my friend.
I am enjoying reading your blog so much that I am reading backwards to read everything you've written. I think you are a great writer and you should finish the homeschooling book you started or, even better, write a novel. You have a gift.
Jennifer Jo
I needed those kind words today, Kathy. Thank you, thank you.