Quotidian: daily, usual or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

With sweet potatoes, chicken pot pie.

My view while taking the laundry off the line.

Leftover summer.

Treats and reads, post-Halloween.

For a leaf fort.

My older son bought a computer and then built a desk to put it on.

Off to work!

Self-selected screen time for the younger two: once a week for about ten minutes (per child).

Indoor rainbows.

Perhaps I take “wearing it out” a little too seriously?
This same time, years previous: musing from the coffee shop, for the time change, awkward, “How are you different now?”, maple roasted squash, meat and cabbage rolls, yesterday, let me sum up, Halloween candy-infused brownies, and crispy cinnamon cookies.
definitely going to point out your screen time amount to my kids – they think I am unnecessarily stingy 🙂
and now I feel guilty for throwing away my husband's old sneakers (I did take the laces out first). This after I accused him of not being very thrifty. sighhhhhh
John VH
Do I recognize those sneakers from your time in Guate? I feel like the laces are the same at least.
Jennifer Jo
No way. That girl wears out her sneakers FAST. We probably got them only a year ago…
You might want to get your ducts in a row
You Can Call Me Jane
I know, I know. Hee hee:-).
So do I! On the bottom of my house slippers. I'm not a weirdo!!! Pass the chicken pot pie please.
I've decided the next time I get a rip in my puffy coat I'm going to duck tape it too. No more sewing.
Sam has duck tape on his sneakers, too! So does my husband, in fact:-).
You Can Call Me Jane
Except it's duct tape, not duck tape.