the quotidian (10.19.15)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace

And some recommended reading to go with.

The boy kills this recipe.

Take your pick.

‘Tis the season: sweet potato pie.
Porking up: in all seriousness now.

Last day of (forced) riding lessons.

Wisdom teeth extraction recuperation.

Knocked flat by a mysterious illness.

The state of affairs: cobwebs galore. 

By the stack: National Geographics.

The soiree!

Self-portrait in the sun room.
Another year, another candle, another cake.

A gorgeous fall day + donuts.

Turns out, gas tanks are not bottomless after all.
(I still love you, honey.)

This same time, years previous: a list, the boarder, home, rich, three vignettes: my husband, rustic cornmeal soup with beet greens, pumpkin sausage cream sauce, and Italian cream cake.


  • Kathy ~ Artful Accents

    Hard to believe our big boys will both be turning 16 this week, isn't it? What?! Just curious…was the mysterious illness a virus with vertigo and nausea? I had a similar strain of that, plus major aches. And I'm SO glad to see cobwebs decorating your house. 🙂 Same thing going on here.

    • Jennifer Jo

      It was a fever and sore throat (though not horrible), and it went on forever. Three hard days of sickness and then off and on for another five. And no one else got anything. Weird.

      16!!!! I know!!!!!

  • Becky

    Chiming into the chorus to say you were definitely missed. I've got a similar state of affairs going on myself. I blame that glorious fall light for pointing them out.

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